Habits, those actions we perform almost unconsciously, shape our routines, and enhance productivity, and overall well-being. Whether it is to regularly exercise, commit to eating healthier, or practice mindfulness, establishing new habits holds the key to achieving our goals. In this post, we will explore the science behind how to build new habits. Join us as we dive into the world of habit formation and discover how to turn your goals into reality!
What are the basics of habits, and how do they affect us?
Did you know that over 40% of our daily doings are habit-driven? That's right! Whether they're helpful or harmful, habits are actions you've done so many times that they're basically automatic. You don’t have to think about it before performing it. Habits serve as the foundational blocks of our lives, moulding our routines and ultimately affecting our overall well-being. Establishing positive habits has the potential to serve as a catalyst for remarkable transformations, whether it's engaging in regular exercise, embracing a healthier diet, journaling, or practicing mindfulness. It all compounds with time!
Why do some habits stick while others fail?
So you're ready for change, and you’ve got the motivation! To form habits confidently, we must automate the decision-making process and make the actions realistic. Our instinct is to go for the least challenging option whenever possible, our natural inclination is to opt for the path that involves less challenging whenever possible. Hence, crafting healthy habits involves minimizing the perceived challenge, making them more appealing choices, and building self-control. This approach simplifies goal attainment.
Why are habits powerful?
Ever wonder why some habits cling like superglue while others vanish like smoke?
A habit is like a little dance our brain does when a situation happens. We've got the trigger, the action, and the reward. When you wake up in the morning (the trigger), you automatically brush your teeth the first thing (the behavior), and as a result, you feel awake and refreshed (the reward).
Remember, we're creatures of comfort – the easier and more rewarding the habit, the more likely it'll become your new best friend.
Through repetition, this cycle naturally strengthens the habit, and you may find yourself performing the behavior automatically, without even having to think about it. This repetition strengthens the habit. Habits are like muscles, the more you work on them, the stronger they get. By cultivating healthy habits and stacking them up over time, you can make significant progress toward gradually achieving your goals. Habits are the silent enablers that help you save time and energy freeing you to invest in other important activities.
Habit loops are formed when a particular situation triggers a specific behavior that leads to a reward, thus reinforcing the connection between the trigger and behavior. The accumulation of healthy habits compounds greater progress.
(FYI, it's a myth that habits take exactly 21 days to form. It isn't restricted to the commonly believed 21-day timeline. Habit formation varies; some habits take longer, while others manifest more swiftly. So don't worry about counting days too much.)
How can I improve habits?
1. Start Small and Stack 'Em Up
What is it? Begin your new habit with a super-small version of the new behavior, and gradually build up to something bigger.
Why it works: Starting with a microhabit makes the task less intimidating. Breaking down the habit into its smaller components increases the likelihood of consistent execution.
How to do it: Make your behavior so simple that even on your worst days, you can still do it. For instance, reading more? Start with a page or two. Then, as it becomes a no-brainer, gently up the ante. Small gradual changes make the habit-building process manageable and sustainable. Remember, the key is long-term gradual evolution and building momentum for the long run.
As you get comfortable with your microhabit, expand it slightly. If you're comfortably meditating for 2 minutes every day, increase it to 3 minutes. Get comfortable with 3 and then slowly progress to your ultimate goal.
2. Bounce Back from Slip-Ups
What is it? Small failures or falling out of your routine is an inevitable part of any journey. Some days are more challenging than others. We know it! Missed a day? No sweat! Slip-ups are just part of the journey. Dust yourself off, remember your 'why,' and jump back in.
Why it works: Self-compassion prevents feelings of guilt and failure, helping you maintain momentum.
How to do it: Remember why you started. Visualize yourself and talk to yourself to realign your focus. Understand that resilience is pivotal, and missing a day (or a few) does not signify failure. It's all about resilience and keeping your eyes on the prize.
3. Be patient and prepare for roadblocks
What is it? Good things take time, and habits are no exception. Avoid overwhelming yourself with unrealistic expectations. Life tends to get in the way. Therefore, map out and anticipate the obstacles and create a solid plan to overcome them.
Why it works: Later in the process, when an obstacle presents itself, your response will be automatically triggered according to your plan, ensuring steady progress. Patience and flexibility allow you to create lasting habits without burnout.
How to do it: Set a pace that fits your lifestyle and commitments. Remember, slow and steady wins the race and perfection is not the goal – progress is! Positive self-talk and embracing imperfection can help boost your confidence, so you can go after your goals. Allocate specific time slots for your habits in your daily or weekly schedule. Set clear intentions and reminders to follow through. Identify potential roadblocks to your journey. Then, devise flexible strategies to deal with each challenge effectively.
While expanding your goal, do progress check-ins with yourself to fine-tune your goal plan to stay consistent.
Why do new habits often fail?
We've all been there – pumped to start today, only to find ourselves procrastinating. This is because change requires discipline and self-control, which are not always easy to build, even when we are determined to make progress. The process takes time and patience.
Let's say you want to start waking up earlier. You sleep early and actually end up waking up earlier. Even if you nail the former, you still need to put in the effort to do it every day. It’s a lifestyle change.
Setting ambitious goals, such as running a marathon, following a diet, and regularly working out can be exciting. But keeping up the momentum? That's where the challenge lies.
Celebrate the small wins and keep the momentum going!
Conclusion: what's your next step?
Now you’ve got the strategies for new habits and transforming your life, it's time to get into action mode. Pick one habit you've been wanting to establish and apply these techniques to make it stick. Embrace the journey, even if you sometimes stumble, as each step counts. It's about the journey, not just the destination.
What's the next habit you want to build? We want to know! Join the conversation in the comments below!